Creatives, Leaders and Thinkers
Discussions with creatives, leaders and thinkers
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Season 2

Creatives, Leaders and Thinkers

The Global Interview Season 2 is the continue of amazing interviews with Creatives, Leaders and Thinkers of the Global industries. This season you will see a 5 great interviews, available on September 16, 2019.

Vanessa Tierney, Co-Founder & Executive Chairperson at Abodoo

Vanessa Tierney, Co-Founder & Executive Chairperson at Abodoo provided by @speechkit_io

Remote Tech Entrepreneur with expertise in leading global remote teams, co-working, international remote sourcing models in technology.

Vanessa's missions are on creating sustainable solutions for companies using technology which have a positive environmental impact.

Results-driven with experience in setting business strategy, P&L responsibility, building/leading teams, and driving business growth. Primarily focused on revenue creation through online sales channels, strategic partnerships and joint ventures.

Abodoo Awards

  • Think Global Start-Up Award - Mountainview California, Dublin Ireland 2019

  • Top 10 EU Start-Up 2019

  • Top 100 Female Entrepreneur All Ireland

  • Sunday Business Post Hot Start-Ups

  • Top 12 Daring Start-Ups 2019

  • Digital Business of the Year 2018 Shortlist

  • Employee Experience Award 2018

  • Women Mean Business Finalist 2018

  • National Women's Day County Representative 2018

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"Don't suppress your core feeling. Write down and share your goals. Learn from others who have been there. Everyone starts at the beginning. Life is short, so focus on living it."

Vanessa Tierney

Vanessa Tierney LinkedIn & Twitter

Conference Speaker:

  • Talent Summit - Leading Change 2019

  • National Government Presentation - 2019

  • Digital Irish - NYC 2018

  • Tech Connect - Dublin 2018

Who do you most admire in business?

Gary White & Matt Damon of, Vishen of Mindvalley, Jessica Alba of Honest because individually they are all looking at ways to improve humanity, sustainability or positively impact our world.

What companies or brands do you like or do you think are getting it right?

The three mentioned above and any brands that have an emotive caring feel where the customer can connect on another level.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

Be true to yourself, listen to your instincts and to remember we are all just human beings with different skills and talents.

What drivesor motivates you each day?

My family, health and wellbeing are the essences of my motivation. Beyond this is the powerful mission of bringing work and learning opportunities to people who deserve or need it.

What are your thoughts on the future of social media?

It will continue to be an influential tool, but the hope is that it becomes more secure for young people, the human race spends less time on it, and the data shared is more authentic.

Do you have a mentor or do you mentor anyone?

Yes so grateful to say there are many, but they don’t hold the official title, they are successful in different fields of life and there to support when needed. My mentoring is now to the Abodoo community in support companies to embrace the future of work and people that really want more flexibility.

How do you network?

I would say 80% of our networking is now done online, which is just incredible. Ten years ago, I went “remote” and being social. It was key to establish a human connection. Technology and tools have made it possible to connect with brilliant people around the world.

How did you get into this line of work and What advice would you have for someone looking to get into the same line of work?

I fell into remote work because of necessity and built out an agency. It was during this experience that it really became apparent how the future of work was really underway, but there was no ecosystem to support both sides of the marketplace. I think for someone who wants to get into remote working or the term we like to use “SmartWorking” where you can have a career and a life that you set it as a mission and go for it.

What do you wish you had known when you started out?

That immersing yourself among great people who can support you in your hour of need means so much and the success or a business outside of a great product or service is down to the team.

What’s the most common reason for people failing or giving up?

I think it really depends on what stage they are at in their life, what responsibilities they have and of course what has happened.

What are you most proud of in your life?

Our babas would be number one. I think the fact that we decided years ago that remote working was very important to the type of life we strived to have for our family and now we are supporting others to achieve the same. We have a vision of what we would love to do with Abodoo and to impact many lives positively.

How do you define success?

Where time is your commodity to spend how you wish, money is not an issue, and you are giving to others.

What do you think your unique skill(s) is that has helped you become successful?

Through listening and having empathy for others, creating solutions and products that support and enable them to achieve their potential.

What valuable lessons have you learned so far that you could share with our audience?

Don’t suppress your core feeling
Write down and share your goals
Learn from others who have been there
Everyone starts at the beginning
Life is short, so focus on living it

Is there anything new you are working on that you would like to share?

Yes, Abodoo is offering member companies brilliant content, policy, framework and networking with best in class leaders to support their workplace transition to more flexibility #SmartWorking This is all on top of being able to connect with talented professionals globally who strive for flexibility and supporting diversity through anonymous matching.

Where’s your favourite place?

Anywhere by the sea or in the depths of a forest

What is your hobby?

Outdoor fitness and painting

Most embarrassing experience?

A remote interview where the partner of the candidate entered the room with very little on

What are you not very good at? What are you good at?

Not great at administration or singing but I do it anyway (the later)! Good at connecting with lovely people

Which words do you overuse?

“Look” at the start of a sentence, but I inherited that from our youngest. “Potential” is the other word I would use a lot because so many individual members on Abodoo have amazing potential.

Your social media platform of choice?

Linkedin is great for business news sharing; however, online is getting noisy. I love how we can now communicate to Abodoo members and supply curated content of value.

When are you happiest?

When I’m outside in the fresh air, with my family or friends and heartily laughing and connecting

Your favourite writer, author, movie, singer & TV show?

Too many to mention, but if it provides escapism, it’s a winner.

What living person do you most admire?

Sir David Attenborough and what he is doing for our world

A positive phrase you like to share with people.

“Life is a journey, not a commute ..everyone deserves the opportunity to work and learn.”

The Global Interview