Discussions with creatives, leaders and thinkers

Season 4

The Global Interview


Season 4

The Global Interview season 4 includes literature, technology, machine learning, marketing and communication sectors with an amazing team of creatives, leaders and thinkers.


Opportunity doesn't make appointments. If you're willing to work for it, you can get whatever your 'it' is."

Aoife O’Connell

Aoife O'Connell

Founder of Yarnly

Aoife O'Connell is the Founder of Yarnly a Chatbot Development Agency - "I'm Irish, and have called Sydney home for over 10 years now!" she says. 

"I'm a feminist, a mother, an ouchy kisser, a snack logistic director, a tech-head, an art lover, a finder of all lost socks and an empath - I feel everything".


“You need to surround yourself with positive people that keep you buoyant. You need to disassociate from people that make you feel flat because if you think that life is hopeless, it is. If you think that life is worth living, it is, and it’s up to you.”

Keith Keller

Keith Keller

Global Twitter Marketing Specialist

Keith Keller has spoken at leading events around the world and appeared on many radio shows and podcasts.

He is considered to be one of the leading authorities on Twitter marketing. He is well known internationally for his knowledge and creation of Twitter marketing strategies.

He is also a popular speaker on the subject of ‘Social Media’ (especially Twitter). He has appeared on numerous radio shows, teleseminars and webinars across the United States & Canada, UK & Europe, as well as Australasia.


“Be the person you want to be, in the way you want to be. Material wealth is devalued without a sense of contentment.”

Aodan Enright

Aodan Enright

Founder of Smarter Egg

Aodan Enright is an executive coach and facilitator based in Cork, Ireland. He's also the founder of Smarter Egg, a community of high-performing professionals bonded through thousands of hours of facilitated conversations, peer circles and offsite days.

He's a popular speaker at conferences and events on the topics of performance and working smarter, while also delivering workshops and programmes on these themes within organisations of all kinds.


“Success cannot be achieved without some failure. Don't be afraid to fail and don't beat yourself up when you do.”

Victoria Graham

Victoria Graham

Founder and CEO at MommaTribe

Victoria was raised in Ireland but moved to New York City in 2016. Following a successful career in marketing, she decided to take some time off for herself while pregnant to study UX Design.

Once her son Joseph was born, Victoria joined a WhatsApp group that became her support network while she went through the life-changing experience of becoming a mother so far from home.


“It seldom hurts to be generous. Try to keep a record of everything you do – nine times out of ten, you may not need a record, but the tenth time it may be invaluable.”

Sinéad Mac Aodha

Sinéad Mac Aodha

Director of Literature Ireland

Sinéad Mac Aodha is the director of Literature Ireland, the national organisation for the promotion of Irish literature abroad. Literature Ireland promotes Irish literature by encouraging international publishers to choose to publish Irish writing. To achieve this aim, we run an incentivisation scheme that awards translation grants to publishers three times a year.


"Someone will know how to solve this problem. Change the problem, make it about finding that person."

Dave Ruane

Dave Ruane

Practice Lead at XTM International

Dave has a passion for technology, innovation, language, and in taking an open approach to team building, solutions building, and knowledge sharing. He regularly speaks on global content and business topics and enjoys moderating industry panels and discussions.


“Intuition is cultivated from all of your life experiences, no matter how big or small. Learn how to listen to others but also listen to yourself.”

Ben Wainwright

Ben Wainwright

Co-Founder and CTO of Abodoo

Ben Wainwright is the Co-Founder and CTO of Abodoo the fastest-growing smart working careers platform for accurate hiring and reduced bias through technology.

His IT career with over 15 years of experience has encompassed diverse industries such as recruitment, telecommunications, media, and digital licensing technology.


If I were to reflect on what I could have done better from earlier days, then it would have been to push the boundaries even harder.”

Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart

Chair of BASDA, Head of Product Delivery at B&CE

“A varied career, from the start in aeronautical engineering through data and network management moving through marketing, relationship & product management onto digital transformation of services - serving travel, payments, business software, and services along with chairing the business software trade body BASDA for over ten years, I feel that I've certainly 'trodden a few boards'.